REM: Sleep

REM: Sleep is an experimental mobile application centred around the effects of environment on one’s overall sleeping experience. At its most basic level, it can be used as an alarm clock and digital dream journal, but ultimately users can use preset themes to influence their sleep in order to have better control over the way they dream. In addition to tracking the user’s movements, heart rate, and overall wellbeing during their sleep, users are able to sleep feeling self-assured and wake up feeling rested.

Megumi Kiyama

Product Design
Patricia Catangui

An isometric view of four screens in a row where the screens show 1) an alarm, 2) a calendar, 3) a dream diary with audio recording, and 4) checklist of items relating to the sleep environment.

Screen flow – depicting the flow of screens according to user inputs

Row of four screens showing a sample sequence before bedtime

Before bedtime – personalisation features such as theme and alarm functionalities

Row of four screens showing a sample sequence after waking

After bedtime – alarm and dream diary with tracking functionality