
Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF): Challenge 22

The Qatar Foundation established Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) in 2006 as part of its ongoing commitment to establish Qatar as a knowledge-based economy. Qatar Foundation views research as essential to national and regional growth; as the means to diversify the nation’s economy, enhance educational offerings and develop areas that affect the community, such as health and environment.

In 2022, fans from around the world met in Qatar for the FIFA World Cup. Qisma is a mobile payment application created for group and charity transactions to encourage more community activities and contributions for use before, during, and after the event. In addition to promoting memorable experiences that reflect the best of the region, this project was also aimed to contribute to the diversification of the Qatari economy.

Client Team
Ghassan Felemban
Roberto Sandulli

Product Design
Patricia Catangui

A row of four smart phones depicting four sample screens from the application

Mid-fidelity prototype on InVision – feel free to click through!

Two rows of five smart phones showing sample screens from the application


International Considerations – working with clients cross-culturally presented unique challenges, as I often collaborated with my clients to ensure intuitiveness in the experience that was being designed. There were often conversations similar to whether the screen moved towards the left or right would’ve made more sense, given that Arabic reading patterns were typically opposite of those accustomed to more western cultures. With considerations such as these, user testing would’ve been especially impactful.

A row of three phones depicting the three types of transactions that can be done on the application

Designated tabs for three types of transactions – monetary activity, charity, and donations